Safarzadeh Markhali
Safarzadeh Markhali, F., graduated with her PhD in Food Science, the University of Minho, Portugal. Her doctoral thesis research, entitled “Optimization of Polyphenol Extraction from Olive Leaves using Ohmic Heating (Emerging Processing) and Particle Size Reduction (Pre-processing)”, was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology. Prior to her doctoral study, she received her Master of Science in Food Science and Technology from the Curtin University, Australia. Her Master’s dissertation entitled “Effect of Addition of Citric Acid during Processing on the Quality and Yield of Western Australian Olive Oil”. Before her Master’s, she did her bachelor’s degree in Human Nutrition & Food Science from Glasgow Caledonian University, UK.
Her doctoral thesis defense was approved by the committee listed below [for more information click here & here].
- Professor José António Couto Teixeira (Supervisor, the University of Minho)
- Professor António Augusto Martins de Oliveira Soares Vicente (President, the University of Minho)
- Professor Ana Isabel Ramos Novo Amorim de Barros (External Examiner, the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro)
- Doctor Lillian Barros (External Examiner, the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança
- Doctor Ricardo Nuno Correia Pereira (Internal Examiner, the University of Minho)

Below her thesis visual abstract