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Food Quality

Lipids are of great importance in human diet. They provide essential fatty acids, supply energy, and assist in absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Proportional consumption of dietary fats and oils helps maintain healthier mechanism in the body.

Food drying is categorised as a preservation method that has been used worldwide since ancient times. It is mainly based on the removal of water present in the food, namely, evaporation. The application of food drying primarily facilitates extending the shelf-life of the dried foods.

The antioxidant activity of fruits and vegetables appreciably rely on the presence of bioactive phenolic compounds. This has led to a growing interest in researching on intrinsic polyphenolic content in fresh and processed foods.

The antioxidant properties and organoleptic quality of the harvested tomatoes are substantially dependant on processing methods. Application of adequate techniques during handling and processing considerably contributes to optimising the antioxidant capacity, maintaining the nutritional value and preserving organoleptic quality of the final product.

Lipid oxidation is one of the main causative factors in the meat deterioration. At the initial stage of the oxidation, lipid hydroperoxides are formed before the development of the secondary oxidation. The secondary oxidation is mainly responsible for the off-flavour production in meats.

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